Monday 15 June 2009

A New Beginning

Where, you may ask, is my archive?
Where are all those entries penned from my desk in 83.03.01, Trinity Hall, Dublin 6?

They are, alas, gone.
I wanted a new start, but did not want to start a new blog. I wanted to erase all record of my quixotic ramblings and was not willing to sift through all past blogs, finding it altogether easier to delete them all.

Also, by a happy coincidence, my last day of college coincided with the end of my journal. I have bought a new one (a nice red Moleskine journal) for my new start and this, my summer.

I have not much to say tonight.

I will leave you with some random postsecrets from my ever-growing file of them, with the promise that I shall blog more lengthily soon.

1 comment:

  1. You're sweet. Many good vibes to you Michael. Have a great summer ahead and please do take good care of yourself.
